WODC think it’s a landscape worth preserving, so why do they continue to back this development?
The landscape and its views are enjoyed by many local residents who use the network of footpaths through it. In fact, WODC’s commissioned ‘Kirkham Landscape report’* highlighted their importance to the area. This report was included in the Local Plan 2031 Evidence Base.
Here are two extracts –
Page 63 (14.1)
"....a major peripheral road would be out of keeping with the local landscape character and would be visually intrusive…"
(The proposed development would include the Northern Perimeter Road)
Page 54 (14.1)
"…. farmland and farmsteads carved out of the old Wychwood Forest has been identified as having high landscape sensitivity and high local and district importance…"
*Read the Kirkham Landscape report pages 54 & 63 (14.1)